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It's the Pictures

Sep 19, 2019

John and Max tackle the 3rd Quarter of 1999 releases for their 20th anniversary. There are discussions about Fantasy Football, adventures from TIFF, some spicy takes from John, and new trailers. This week's trailers are for James Mangold's Ford V Ferrari and Todd Haynes' Dark Waters. Finally, the long-awaited discussion of Once Upon a Time in...Hollywood.

**Stay tuned after the episode to hear reviews from Max for films from TIFF.** 

Ford V Ferrari
Dark Waters 
1999 3rd Qtr
Eyes Wide Shut
Sixth Sense
Blair Witch
American Beauty
What We’ve Been Watching:
Max: Hustlers
John: Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood


Download the episode today and tweet at John and Max (@itsthepicpod).

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Opening: the Morning by Vidian (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Ciggiburns, Aussens@iter, vo1k1

Closing: Pixie Pixels (featuring Kara Square) by spinningmerkaba (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. 

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