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It's the Pictures

Feb 4, 2020

John and Max are talking about some of the Best Picture winners of the past. With the big award show coming up, they thought it'd be a good idea to look at some of the better winners of the golden statue. First, they talk about the Sundance Film Festival 2020 and some of the big deals that went down. Followed by some notable Best Picture winners. 

1964 - My Fair Lady
1972 - The Godfather
1984 - Amadeus
1991 - The Silence of the Lambs
What We've Been Watching:
John: Tony Scott marathon + Beverly Hills Cop trilogy
Max: Soylent Green / Westworld  (Criterion Channel 70’s Sci-fi)
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Opening: the Morning by Vidian (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: Ciggiburns, Aussens@iter, vo1k1

Closing: Pixie Pixels (featuring Kara Square) by spinningmerkaba (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. 

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